Monday, November 12, 2012

Blue Man Group!

My favorite performance artist group, the Blue Man Group is an organization founded by Chris Wink, Matt Goldman, and Phil Stanton. Production of theatrical shows and concerts with experimental music and diverse media.
The piece I chose is I Feel Love, featured by Jay Leno, or Venus Hum as an artist name. The performances of the Blue Man Group are usually comprised of drums made out of any materials, and in this particular piece the singer appears with the blue men and adds some tunes and lyrics to the performance. This piece has been performed many different times, slightly restyled each time. The performance artists, or the Blue Men, act or play music in excited manners, often in comic ways. The types of instruments the Blue Man Group plays are unlimited and unique, ranging from tiny bells to giant cluster of intestine-like pipes called “monster tubulum.”
They thoroughly fill the stage or the space of their performance by constantly moving around and acting, and they do not fear involving a variety of materials or media in their performance, providing the audience with surprise and excitement. There are videos of their performance all over the place, and I actually went to one of their concerts few years ago. The most unique feature of their performance is that they always incorporate the audience into their performance, intensifying the audience’s excitement and an opportunity of extraordinary experiences. 

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