Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Della Paul: Sarah J. Christman Lecture

I really enjoyed Sarah J. Christman’s presentation today. She was really informative on the ideas around production workflow. I thought it was important that we should be more objective to the kind of material and be outside of the influence. I was really interested by her piece, “Buried Treasure” in which she highlights Bill Gate’s decision to stash hidden past photographs of our history in a mine. I love how her process at first started out as a strict narration, then evolved in the form on an e-mal further engaging the audience and creating a more connectable relationship with today’s constant use of technology. I also enjoyed how she transformed the idea of being an editor in film to one who creates collages, and I really hope I can bring about thinking outside the box in my own montage. 

Fixed final project by Shin Jung and Soyeon

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Share Test

High Kick 2011

Animation courtesy of Anthony Francisco Schepperd

Sneezing Panda

Human Slingshot Slip and Slide

Shadow Stop Motion


Gulp. The world's largest stop-motion animation shot on a Nokia N8. from Nokia HD on Vimeo.

DARK SIDE OF THE LENS from Astray Films on Vimeo.

China The Voice

True Colors - Sean Mouton

True Colors from Sean Mouton on Vimeo.

Paper Airplane Stop Motion

K-OS - 4321

Good stop motion example

Gangnam Style

Henri the existential cat

Big Bang Big Boom

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

stop motion

Flying Lotus - Until the Quiet Comes - a short film by Kahlil Joseph